Episode 1

Knight Appointment Ceremony (1)
7 months ago
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Intense sunlight flooded the bed.

I struggled to pry open my clenched eyes, most likely due to the sweltering heat.


An unfamiliar ceiling revealed itself to me.

This wasn’t Irina’s imperial palace.

If it were, I’d see dust falling from the ceiling where my blow had previously pierced through.

“Where is this…”

A dilapidated bunk bed.

Garments that a room companion must have left draped about.

Among these clothes, I recognized candidate uniforms.

In that instant, I understood it.

This place was a student dormitory.

Then, I quickly rose to my feet.

A wave of anxiety washed over me.

Glancing around in bewilderment, my eyes landed on a mirror hanging from the wardrobe.


I faced my younger reflection.

Me at the age of twenty, during my days as a knight-in-training.

“Could this be a flashback?”

It was said that when death was imminent, one’s life tended to flash before their eyes.

Was this such a moment?

‘This seems too real to be a mere illusion…’

Anxiously, I scanned the silent dormitory.

Threadbare beds that were the simple comforts of commoner candidates.

Practice wooden swords propped up against the wall.

A testament to the innocence of student days.

“This is…”

Suddenly, my eyes landed on a uniform, incongruent with the surroundings.

The chest bore no mark of affiliation yet.

A candidate must have bought the uniform in anticipation.

Such an occasion typically occurs only once.

The day one would be ordained an official knight.


Recalling the past, a smirk naturally appeared on my face.

It appeared I deeply regretted becoming the princess’s knight.

From that day forward, my life was drastically altered, serving as her escort.

My eyes trailed over the uniform I held in my hands.

The fabric seemed to drink in the sunlight, as if beckoning me to do it.

‘Should I put it on for now?’

Slowly, I slide my arm into the sleeve.

Perhaps being twenty years old, my body felt a bit leaner than before.

Well, back then, I was a mere commoner candidate.

As I adjusted my uniform in front of the full-length mirror, the melodies of the royal court echoed from beyond the window.

Its source was the splendid Star Palace, just beyond the window.

I recognized that music.

How could I not, as a knight?

It was the tune heralding the commencement of the appointment ceremony.

Enchanted by the familiar melody, I exited the dormitory.

I moved towards the source of the music, the Star Palace.

Along the way, the normally lively corridor was eerily quiet.

Slowly, I opened the palace’s main gate and entered, passing magnificent tables arranged in long rows.

Candidates, uniformed and posing like chess pieces, stood before these tables.

“Vail, over here!”

Cain shouted.

Cain was my roommate during our days as students.

His call allowed me to fall naturally into the line.

“What took you so long?”

His brown, curly hair and the freckles on his nose bridge were endearing.

Seeing his face after such a long time naturally evoked a smile in me.

“I must have overslept.”

I admitted.

I casually replied to his pressing question.

“Kid, you should’ve realized last night would be intense.”

Before long, the royal knights began filing into the scheduled Star Palace unhurriedly.

Their golden helmets and remarkable epaulets shone brightly.

Remembering the younger days of those, I battled fiercely alongside felt odd.

“General Valderian is approaching. Everyone, uphold your decorum!”

Upon hearing the commanding captain’s order, all the knight candidates immediately straightened up.

They held their postures, staring forward with rigidity.

The clank of iron boots resonated.

An impressive lion-head helmet dangled at the waist.

A towering man draped in a red cloak strode into the palace.

With his entrance, the bustling Star Palace fell into quick silence.

“Today is the day you’ve all been eagerly anticipating: the assignment of positions.”

It was General Valderian.

He positioned himself at the center of the table, scanning us scrupulously.

Despite his advancing years, his gaze remained as intense as in his youth.

In fact, he appeared even more majestic, akin to an alpha lion.

‘Old man, you were so full of life back then.’

Five years from now, amidst the internal strife for the emperor’s throne, I stood side by side with Irina while he supported the Crown Prince.

At that time, having ascended the Swordmaster realm, my youthful self was victorious.

With him being of a lower rank then, he assumed the role of the ceremony conductor.

“When the princesses arrive, show your utmost respect.”


The mere utterance of the word would make men’s hearts flutter.

Upon hearing they would soon arrive, luster returned to the candidates’ jaded eyes.

“No matter where you are assigned, perform your duties honorably. Anyone requesting a position transfer will perish by my hand.”

With a stern motion, he set his lion helmet on the table.

At the resultant sound, a few knights reacted sharply.

‘Honor …’

The 1st Candidate Knights in gleaming white uniforms likely believed so.

They held the honor of being sons of noble families.

However, as the 2nd Candidates, we were in blue uniforms.

Our origins were mostly modest, which was the birthright of commoners.

Our destiny appeared to be preordained. We were exiled to distant territories without ever encountering the Princesses.

Opting to serve as city defense knights under Valderian might prove wiser.

At least then, one could remain in the capital.

Naturally, these facts eluded our young, common-born peers.

No matter the circumstances, only the Princesses caught their attention.

“Hey, who do you wish to be chosen by?”

As I pondered, Cain murmured to me quietly.

Being a commoner like me, he appeared thrilled just to see the Princesses.

His face was filled with joy.

Naturally, I also made an effort to attract the attention of the Princesses.

Because of that, despite being of the lowest rank, I had the chance to serve as a knight for Irina, a royal.


I gently brushed the cheek where her tears had fallen.

It feels as if that touch still lingered.

Recalling my experiences with Irina now, I didn’t want to serve as a Princess’s escort again.

I didn’t wish to relive those sorrowful episodes.

“With my background, a Princess is out of reach. I’d count myself lucky just to remain in the capital.”

“Oh really? With your skills, being a Princess’s escort would be easy for you.”

Cain retorted, his voice slightly elevated.

“I’m content. I simply aspire to live healthy and long.”

I responded while patting my shoulder. However, I was compelled to widen my eyes again.

An annoyingly condescending voice emerged from behind.

“It brings comfort to see people acknowledge their own statuses.”

Wearing white uniforms, they represented the 1st Candidate Knights.

They sneered as they cast their gaze upon us.

“Such filthy commoners aren’t even worth a second glance.”

They disparaged us in hushed whispers, ensuring Valderian wouldn’t overhear.

Cain, annoyed by their demeanor, clenched his teeth.

“Asura 1, if we meddle with them, we stand to lose more.”

I subtly restrained Cain.

Their chattering only intensified as a result.

“It could be feasible with the second Princess.”

The second…?

Upon learning that a commoner could become a Princess’s escort, Cain’s eyebrows shot up in incredulity.

“Is there an issue with the second Princess?”

Upon hearing the term ‘second,’ I paused a moment before replying.

Then, with a vacant gaze into the void, I responded.

“The second Princess is the discarded one.”

“The discarded Princess…?”

Aside from Irina, the mothers of all the other princesses hailed from foreign royalty.

Due to this, they commanded substantial support both domestically and abroad.

However, Irina…

Her mother was of common birth.

There was nobody to back such a semi-princess.

Upon the frail Emperor’s death, she would truly be left alone.

“Yes, such a thing exists.”

I offered a bitter smile before patting my colleague’s shoulder.

While yearning to explain more, I was silenced by the general’s command.

“All stand your ground!”

In response to Valderian’s mighty call, we regained our composure.

The once bustling Star Palace fell silent.

Intense sunlight spilled over the magnificent stained glass.

And then, the enormous door swung open.

The first thing to catch my eye was long, golden hair bathing in brilliant sunlight.

Next, a navy blue dress paired with a demure blouse.

The understated sapphire nestled at the center of her chest indicated her elevated status.

She was the 1st Princess, Rea Andalusia.

Her sharp blue eyes were set into a pale complexion.

At 24 years old, she gazed at the new knights through long eyelashes.

As Rea’s lips curved slightly, a ripple of movement passed through the knight’s ranks.

She greeted them gracefully,

Then she calmly took a seat at the table, escorted by the royal knights.

Rea was renowned as the most elegant and attractive of all the royals.

But under that beauty lay hidden ambition, unbeknownst to all.

“3rd Princess, Lidia Andalusia, is making her entrance!”

A voice echoed, announcing in the rigid imperial language from behind the doors.

Next, a woman clad in a ruby-red gown, boasting a radiant complexion, confidently stepped into the palace.

She was accompanied by Eastern-style knights outfitted in turbans.

3rd Princess, Lidia Andalusia.

Lidia’s entrance, in contrast to Rea’s elegance and serenity, was filled with cheer.

Her footsteps were reminiscent of Middle Eastern music.

She was always a tomboy, both in the past and future.

With a confident expression, Lidia observed the men.

Then, she boldly took the seat designated for the second princess.

“Why are the boys so thin this year?”

Lidia, who recently turned nineteen, appraised the knights with her arms folded.

“They all seem as if they lack strength.”

Each candidate attempted to stare blankly into space.

Still, their gaze was inevitably drawn to the two captivating princesses.

Such attraction was natural for men.

Strangely enough, my attention remained fixed on the closed doors.

As if anticipating someone’s arrival.

Both princesses awaited the entry of the final protagonist.

Yet, the wide-open gates loomed quietly in the distance.

Amidst the lengthening silence, Rea checked the time on her pocket watch.

Lidia with her eyes closed, suppressed a yawn.

“Shall we begin soon?”

Valderian, seated at the table’s end, inquired politely.

In response, Rea nodded, her slender eyes unique.

“Agreed. So, let’s…”

Clearing his throat, Valderian announced the start of the appointment ceremony.

In accord, every knight focused their energy uniformly.

However, just then, Valderian fell silent once more.

The once tightly sealed doors were reopening.

Beneath the sunlight, dust swirled about.

Through the swirling dust, the silhouette of a graceful woman emerged.

She stood alone, with no one at her side.

No herald was there to announce her arrival.

Nonetheless, the woman with a document bag in her hand strode into the Star Palace confidently.

“I’m sorry for my tardiness.”

Her hair, a shimmering silver, still exuded ethereal beauty.

She wore a simple, demure white dress.

Her captivating green eyes demanded everyone’s attention.

“Second Princess, Irina Andalusia.”

Amidst a throng of gathered knights in the palace, the Princess introduced herself in solitude.

The instant I glimpsed Irina’s visage, I considered the likelihood that this scene wasn’t merely déjà vu.

Labeling it as an illusion seemed apt. Her form was as ethereal as on the day of her demise.

  1. ED/N: This could be Cain's nickname. ↩️

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