Episode 23

Recruitment Battle (1)
4 weeks ago
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Ten days passed, and the Romelon Plateau became the territory of the Herera family.

Elena slowly turned around, leaving the red flag planted in the stone as it was.

The group that returned to Mahvana received enthusiastic cheers from the city’s people. At the lead, the magician of Mahvana responded to their cheers with a beautiful smile and a wave of her hand.

In fact, to the proud people of the east, it didn’t matter who owned the Romelon Plateau. What mattered was that they had fought and won against the Wirgang family.

Jumbo Jugs Elena walked proudly and met her father waiting in front of the count’s castle. The lion of Mahvana had aged a lot, but still, his dignity was alive and well.

“Well done, my daughter. I knew you could do it.”

“It was a collective effort.”

“Yes, everyone did well. It is everyone’s merit….”

Count Herera conveyed words of praise to the entire returning group. He provided them with the guest quarters building prepared inside the count’s castle. It was his consideration for the victorious heroes to rest comfortably, at least for today.

Elena wandered around amidst the welcome and congratulations for a while before finally returning to her room.

‘…I’m back….’

She immediately went to the bathroom and immersed herself in warm water. Her body, which had been stiff with cold and fatigue for over ten days, felt like snow melting under the spring sun.


Meanwhile, the maids came up to her side, carefully picking out and cleaning each tangled strand of hair, bringing out its shine.

Meanwhile, Elena quietly closed her eyes and thought calmly about the war.

‘…The victory was not my merit. Surely, more than half belongs to Group Leader Allen.’

She had spent ten days there, hearing about the exploits of the Allen-Mercenary Group until her ears were weary. Even the captain of the Roakin-Mercenary Group, whom she was temporarily in charge of, had occasionally praised him. It was clear that he restrained himself as much as possible so as not to irritate the master’s daughter, but she had felt the intense passion in his tone.

/- He is an impressive person.

…Yes, he was an impressive person. That was something she acknowledged. She had no desire to jealously belittle him. After all, everyone has their own talents. Instead, she could cast magic, couldn’t she?

Anyway, it was all in the past now. It was an experience that had allowed her to reflect on her shortcomings, and she planned to slowly improve on them. By gradually getting better, she would someday become a leader who receives praise from everyone, just like that man. She definitely would—.

Having finished her bath, she immediately sat down at her desk and opened her spellbook. She simply couldn’t go to bed without doing so. Her overworked body begged her to lie down in bed right away, but she coldly ignored it.

Her eyes blinked slowly as she tried to read, closing and opening repeatedly. No matter how hard she tried to stay awake, she couldn’t overcome her eyelids, which felt heavier than a thousand pounds.

.’..I need… to work… harder.’

Elena’s forehead eventually thumped down onto the spellbook. Even though she thought she should get up, she couldn’t.

Unable to overcome her severe physical and mental fatigue, she eventually fell asleep with her head down as it was.

That was her first night back from the war.

“Everyone did a great job.”

Allen offered each member who suffered alongside him a word of farewell as he handed them their payment. The share for the member who had unfortunately died in the surprise attack by the enemy was to be delivered to the mercenary guild later.

“It’s been a pleasure, Group Leader.”

“Call me again if there’s work. I’ll come running.”

“Don’t forget me when you become great someday—!”

The mercenaries left the count’s estate. Only Kalisman and Aiden, who were on long-term contracts, quietly stayed by the leader’s side.

Of course, Allen didn’t forget to give them a bonus as well. After all, they had risked their lives in war, so it wouldn’t be right to pocket everything himself. While he did need to save money, he knew when it was time to spend it.

Aiden, who had the [Greed] trait, gladly accepted the bonus, but the Old Dog Kalisman declined at first. However, after being offered again, he eventually took the money.

“We should start getting ready too.”


The business at the Count’s castle was finished. The desired goal was successfully achieved.

Allen did not plan to leave Mahvana right away, but to stay for a while and negotiate with a few mercenary groups. He had already scouted some decent mercenaries through the status window during his ten days on the Romelon Plateau.

Of course, a significant transfer fee was needed to take mercenaries who were contracted with a mercenary group, so it was practically impossible to recruit everyone he wanted. After all, his capital was limited. At most, maybe two. If unlucky, he might fail in all attempts.

Still, through this war, Allen had managed to instill the perception among the mercenaries that he was an excellent leader, so those he wanted wouldn’t particularly resist transferring. Regardless of whether the mercenary groups agree or not, if the targeted mercenary doesn’t want to transfer, it would all be for naught.

‘…It’s a bit of a shame about the magician, but…’

Allen didn’t get too greedy. It was a fruit out of reach for him now. Even in Guild Master, she was a woman who could only be attempted to be recruited after reaching a certain level of fame. If she were to inherit the Roakin-Mercenary Group, recruitment would become almost impossible…

If it wasn’t for the concept play, she was no different from a daughter who would just watch and pass by. That’s why he couldn’t remember her at first.


Just as Allen was about to leave the count’s castle, an unexpected figure sought him out. …They say even a tiger appears when you talk about it.

It was the milk-jug mage, Elena.

“Can we have a talk?”

He couldn’t help but wonder why she had appeared now, after being quiet for the past ten days.

“As long as you’re not kicking me out because it’s time, there’s nothing we can’t do.”

She smiled slightly at the thought that this man could even joke.

“…that’s impossible.”

There, Kalisman and Aiden tactfully excused themselves for the sake of their leader’s romantic ventures.

Elena then sat opposite Allen.

“I don’t have any tea to offer…”

“It’s okay. It won’t take long.”

Allen nodded lightly.

“Is that so…, what conversation did you want to have…?”

The milk-jug mage put a little strength into her hands resting on her knees. Her sizable breasts slightly lifted as she took a breath in. …It seemed she needed some kind of resolution, hesitating like that.

“…How do I become like you?”

A slow smile formed on Allen’s lips.

“Like me?”

“Managing the members, giving orders, and even tactics… Honestly, I don’t really have a grasp on how to do it. And there’s no one suitable to teach me.”

He simply looked at her with a smile, without saying a word. She filled the silence again.

“And especially, those tactics. I want to fight well too. I want to know how to fight.”

“That’s not something that happens overnight.”

With a playtime of a whopping twenty thousand hours. He had played Guild Master for almost ten years…

“I’ll study. I’m confident in studying. After all, I am a magician. Just tell me what to do.”

“Combat isn’t an area that can be mastered through theory alone. Experience is more necessary, actually.”

“…Okay, I understand. Then, what about managing the members? You had remarkable leadership skills.”

“Unless I show you directly, it’s hard to put it into words. I’m not as theoretical as you are.”

Her shoulders, which had slightly risen, fell again. …After all, she gained nothing.

“I see. …Thank you for your time.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be of help.”

“No, it’s okay. I know it’s hard to express in words. …I just thought I’d give it a try. Well then.”

The two of them bowed lightly to each other and went their separate ways.

With a spark, the cigarette was lit.

The lion of Mahvana, Count Herera, deeply inhaled the cigarette and exhaled the smoke, casting his gaze into the distance. The landscape of this garden, which looked like a piece of art from any angle, no longer gave him any thrill.

“So, is that person really that great?”

“Yes, Your Excellency. Without a doubt, he is a person who will achieve greatness in the future.”

“You must be right in your judgment.”

The count took another deep drag of his tobacco and exhaled.

“Then, is there no hope for Elena?”

“It’s hard to say there’s no hope, but… at the moment, yes, she doesn’t seem to have the capability to lead the mercenary group.”

The captain of the Roakin-Mercenary Group answered so. Despite the affection developed from the long time they’ve spent together, his judgment was cold.

“What about in the future?”

“…Honestly, it seems difficult if things stay as they are.”

“Is that so? …I see.”

Of course, the count was not unaware of his daughter’s level. Still, he gave her a chance, hoping for the best, but the return was, as expected, a harsh outcome.

In fact, Elena was not particularly less capable than other group leaders. No, rather, there were definitely aspects where she was equal or even superior. …However, the position of the leader of the Roakin-Mercenary Group was not for someone just slightly better than average.

Since Count Herera stepped down, the mercenary group had failed to show its former glory. In other words, it clearly revealed the acting leader, Elena’s lack in capability.

“Let’s postpone the official appointment of the leader indefinitely.”


“Look for someone qualified. Try proposing to that person named Allen as well.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

No sooner had that response been given than the gazes of the two men simultaneously turned somewhere. …Though they pretended not to know, in fact, both were aware that Elena was secretly hiding and eavesdropping on their conversation.

Only after she hurriedly left did the chief burst into a hearty laugh.

“Your Excellency, really, is still the same as ever.”

“…I wonder if we’ve been too indulgent with her.”

“No one would think that.”

The count drew deeply on his cigarette and then exhaled.

“They say a lion drops its cub off a cliff. If I gave her a chance and she didn’t satisfy it, then she must face a trial.”


“She mustn’t think the position is hers by right. That leads to no progress. I believe in Elena. She will overcome it. She’s smarter and more talented than I am.”

“…I will follow Your Excellency’s will.”

“Yes…, yes….”

Count Herera shifted his gaze back to the distance.

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