Episode 11

Wrong Answer, Jonghoon
2 weeks ago
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The intro played, and with Gyeoul’s basic groove, the song began.

<There’s a guy who catches my attention.>

<He’s the guy I want to see over and over again.>

The song choice was “Awoo,” which Gyeoul had been continuously practicing.

At a point with only five days left, learning a new song from scratch seemed like a bad decision.

So we chose to refine “Awoo.”

Of course, because of the bad habits, it felt harder to improve “Awoo” than to teach a new song from scratch.

But it was meaningful.

In the industry, the bad habit known as “kuse” referred to mixing excessive techniques in parts that should be sung plainly, but generally, they were elements that hindered vocal and dance expressions.

They make movements harder, ruin breathing, and break the balance of the song.

So what would happen when all these bad habits were removed from Gyeoul?

<No matter where I look, oh! No matter where I look, oh!>

<He’s the only one in my mind.>

Naturally, she’d soar.

As if all those bad habits were shackles holding her back, she’d fly higher and farther.

Finally, the song reached its highlight.

Gyeoul’s high note soared up to the 3-octave D.

<Awoo! I’ve fallen into the sea of love!>

Women who pride themselves on their singing might think reaching the 3-octave F was nothing, so they might take Gyeoul’s high note lightly.

But if they saw Gyeoul dancing now, such comments would disappear.

She was stably hitting that high note amidst such intense choreography.

To the point where you wouldn’t even think she was hitting high notes.

In choreography that makes you breathe hard just by dancing, Gyeoul’s vocals spread evenly and cleanly.

It wasn’t a touching vocal that moved people’s hearts.

It wasn’t a vocal with a distinct characteristic unique to the singer.

It was just a vocal that expressed a girl’s voice of that age in a straightforward and plain way.

To the general public, it might be evaluated as a boring vocal.

However, to a producer, it would seem like a gem that could become anything.

Because it would seem like any color could be added to that voice as the producer wishes.

And that expectation wouldn’t be wrong.

<I keep getting drawn in, I keep flowing in.>

<He’s the only one in my mind.>

Gyeoul was a genius.

I wasn’t saying this because of the letter A shown in the status window.

As someone who had been in the agency for over ten years.

As someone who had even held the title of president, this was an objective evaluation.

She might be lacking to become the best vocalist.

She might be lacking to become the best dancer.

However, she would naturally achieve being the best idol.

All I did was wipe the dust off the gem.

But it was true that even I contributed to making that gem shine.

Honestly, I was proud of that.

The fact that I could help that light made me sure that, even if I failed as a person, I didn’t fail in management.

While I was admiring that light, the song ended.

I looked at Cheon Jonghoon, immersed in the pleasant afterglow.

I was sure he felt similar emotions.

“First, tell her to step out.”

Why send Gyeoul out? She deserved a storm of praise for her hard work.

I didn’t keep that doubt to myself.

“If you’re planning to evaluate Gyeoul, there’s no reason she shouldn’t hear it, is there?”

“My evaluation is expensive. I’m not planning to deal with it cheaply enough to share it with an outsider who isn’t even a trainee yet.”

Wow, playing it expensive, huh?

I didn’t like it, but I couldn’t ignore the client’s request, so I told Gyeoul to wait in the hallway for a moment.

Gyeoul looked around cautiously, then bowed her head and stepped out into the hallway.

Even after Gyeoul left, Cheon Jonghoon didn’t speak.

He just crossed his arms and tapped his forearm with his fingers.

The man and woman standing on either side of Cheon Jonghoon glanced at me but watched his reaction.

They seemed to have something to say but were waiting for their boss to speak first.

Seeing those two, it didn’t seem like a workplace where opinions could be freely expressed.

…Cheon Jonghoon wasn’t the type to be easy to work under.

While I wasted time with such thoughts, Cheon Jonghoon finally opened his mouth.

“…Well, she seems to have some talent. But it seems far from the tension and spatial feel of the Jersey club style song you mentioned.”

“Far from it?”

“Sexy? Funky groove? You could say it’s closer to that. Well, I won’t say it’s bad, but it’s not the level I’m looking for.”

Cheon Jonghoon spoke sarcastically.

He seemed like a frontman trying to forcefully lower the price by pointing out the player’s flaws.

Gyeoul was the best asset in anyone’s eyes.

He wasn’t even paying a signing fee, so I don’t know what he gains from such an attitude.

It was obvious he was going to take her anyway.

“I see how you evaluated my level. You thought I’d be satisfied with that. But my standards are higher than you think. That girl seems lacking to follow the intense and high-level performance I expect.”

It was only after hearing those words that I realized.

The Cheon Jonghoon I knew was the top producer called the best after successfully producing countless songs and groups ten years later.

On the other hand, the Cheon Jonghoon now was a rookie just starting his own path.

I had mistakenly thought Cheon Jonghoon had always been a complete person.

The basis for this judgment was clear.

Even from my perspective as a manager, not a producer, he couldn’t recognize that obvious talent.

How could such a person be called the best producer?

I couldn’t help but chuckle at Cheon Jonghoon’s fresh appearance, which once felt like an insurmountable wall.

“…You’re laughing?”

Oops, my mistake.

“Haha, I apologize. I’m happy to show you the prepared material. I would’ve been disappointed if you hadn’t said that.”

I apologized appropriately and took out the material I had prepared, just in case.

“Could you please watch this video for a moment?”

I played the video I had shot with my smartphone and handed it to Cheon Jonghoon.

Cheon Jonghoon took my smartphone skeptically and checked the video.

The video captured Gyeoul dancing and singing “Awoo” five days ago, showcasing her bad habits.

“An old video? It’s ridiculous. It seems like it’s intentionally trying to make people angry.”

Cheon Jonghoon spoke as if he were displeased.

“…Still, considering her current appearance, I must admit she’s improved a lot. But that’s all.”

Cheon Jonghoon looked at me with an indifferent expression and said,

“So, what’s the point of showing this video? Are you trying to empathize with her efforts? Unfortunately, I’m a businessman who only sees results, so…”

“When do you think that video was shot?”

After pondering my question, Cheon Jonghoon said.

“…Half a year. No, maybe about three months ago?”

Wrong answer, Jonghoon.

“It’s a video from five days ago.”

Cheon Jonghoon was silent for a moment, then let out a small laugh and said.

“Ha… do you think I’m standing here as a joke? From what I see in the video, it’s not like she’s acting or intentionally emphasizing the bad habits. It naturally comes out as a habit.”

As he continued speaking, his voice grew louder.

It was clear anger.

“Fixing all those habits in five days? That’s ridiculous. If you’re going to exaggerate, do it within reason. Do you think my judgment will change with such talk?”

Cheon Jonghoon’s words were all correct.

I was also quite amazed.

I couldn’t imagine all those bad habits being rooted out in five days.

But it was possible.

“No need for long words; just check the recording time of the video.”

Cheon Jonghoon checked the information and closed his mouth.

The recording time of the video was 4 days and 18 hours 36 minutes ago.

It wasn’t even five days.

Cheon Jonghoon, looking at the record, spoke as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Manipulating the recording information…”

“Oh dear, if you’re so suspicious, you can even ask a professional. I’m confident.”


I spoke to the speechless Cheon Jonghoon.

“In fact, as I said on the phone, the expression that Gyeoul fits songs forming tension and spatial feel of the Jersey club style was wrong.”

That wasn’t Gyeoul’s essence.

“It was close to a provocative statement to persuade you, Team Leader Cheon, in a short time. I used limited and interesting keywords. Gyeoul’s talent is not like that.”

He seized my words as if he had found an opportunity.

“Ha… it’s not like that? And yet you recommended her to me? Do the other trainees I selected seem laughable?”

Cheon Jonghoon, with a twisted face like a beast showing its teeth, spoke.

“The current trainees were considered in every aspect by looking at my final entries. And they have become talents optimized to my ideals over 3-4 years. Are you saying to insert an unrefined gem beside my jewels?”

“There was an inaccuracy in my words. Let me correct it. Gyeoul’s talent is not ‘just’ like that.”

You know it too.

Sometimes those unreasonable ones appear.

“I’ll be blunt. Gyeoul is a genius. Whether it’s Jersey club, old school, girly, or street, she can handle any concept.”

Any genre, any concept—it didn’t matter.

Gyeoul would be the best with anything you give her.

“Did you say the existing trainees have become talents optimized to you over 3-4 years, Team Leader Cheon? Congratulations. That record will be broken. Gyeoul will catch up with them in 9 months.”

“You’re exaggerating too much. 9 months? That’s a timeframe hard to be confident in, even for the industry’s best.”

“Then you should naturally assign the industry’s best. Were you planning to assign mediocre ones to that gem? Is SS such a talent-starved agency?”

That didn’t make sense based on my understanding.

“SS is where the best gather. They should be able to do that.”

I asked with a hint of doubt.

“Could it be that you’re not confident?”

Are you scared, Jonghoon?

Why are you holding back with the best asset in front of you?

I’m disappointed because you’re holding back.

Just go for it.


“Excuse me?”

“Name your desired compensation. You wouldn’t think of handing over such a girl for free.”

I knew it! Jonghoon!

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