Episode 217

Wandering Warrior Of Wudang (217)
1 week ago
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“Look here, Taoist Jinmu.”

Yang So-bang, who had regained some internal qi through cultivation, sat beside Jinmu, looking much improved from the day before.


“That… I’m referring to the Internal Qi Arts.”


“That… it’s too slow. You claimed to have tested it numerous times.”

Jinmu regarded him with a skeptical look.

“That… it will recover, right?”

“I’ve mentioned that it will.”


“Sooner rather than later.”

Three months should suffice, three months.

“I assisted you upon your request… haha, this is troublesome. We must apprehend the spy… sigh, what should we do? Since you absorbed my internal qi… what should I do… I have so much on my plate.”


Yang So-bang spoke, sensing Jinmu’s emotions.

Is this guy trying to blame me now?

Just yesterday, he was praising my help and expressing gratitude, discussing the future of the Justice Faction.

“Don’t fret, it will recuperate.”

“True. It will recover with time but… in my current condition… I doubt I can move swiftly. I feel inclined to return to the Beggars Union and request the clan leader to provide our sect’s pill. Or perhaps the Purple Cloud Pill you possess…”


Yang So-bang glanced at Jinmu briefly.

He is indeed blaming me!

And what’s this about the Purple Cloud Pill?

I was questioning whether he was a beggar or not.

He may not be a young master… yet he expects me to hand over such a valuable item.

Does he have no sense of right and wrong?

And how did he find out about Jinmu having the pill?

It’s evident he must have inquired at Mount Hua. Well, this man truly enjoys prying into others’ affairs.

Although Yang So-bang did assist Jinmu in replenishing his internal qi, he refused to part with the Purple Cloud Pill.

He declined to give the precious spiritual pill for faster internal qi recovery when it would naturally restore over time.

“The spy… must be captured.”

Just put it all in one sentence.

Why have you been speaking in fragments lately?

“If not for me, there is no way to confirm the spy… even if he comes….”

So, he wants himself to be pampered now.

Anyway, it’s worth considering. Was he implying that he is trying to manipulate people by claiming he is more skilled than them?

The internal qi taken cannot be returned once it has been refined… right, I will assist. Because you want me to.



“Please begin the process of finding the spy right away. I will assist.”

“Uh? You will? You would?”

Jinmu sighed and shook his head at the sight of Yang So-bang, whose face brightened instantly, revealing his yellow teeth.

“Yes. Elder, please give me the orders from the plan I devised.”

“What? You already made a plan?”


As if.

I need to use my head from now on.

“Then, what is the plan?”

Yang So-bang turned impatient and asked.

Ah, this elder doesn’t have patience. Wait now, let’s think about it.

Now, there is a spy in Southern Edge.

There must be someone infiltrating other sects as well.

It would be ideal to apprehend them all at once, but the Justice Faction lacks the manpower for it… hmm.

If they are not all apprehended simultaneously, the others will catch on and vanish.

Jinmu, who had been contemplating for a while, smirked and chuckled at a cunning plan that crossed his mind.

“…How about Total Annihilation?”

“Total annihi… what?”

Yang So-bang’s eyes widened with anticipation and curiosity.

He might be wondering what kind of nonsense Jinmu was spouting now.

It is widely recognized as one of the fundamental techniques of the Three Emperor’s Sword technique, as it simply denotes a horizontal cut to take down all.

However, upon closer inspection, the words also suggest the ability to defeat a thousand soldiers with a single stroke.

“Look here. This is the first time I am hearing of a tactic called Total Annihilation.”

I just thought of it just now.

So don’t stop the flow and listen.

“Total Annihilation. It is a plan to wipe them out in one fell swoop as soon as it starts. Before the day they realize we’ve started looking for the spy and might run.”

“That is why you said it. But sweeping them all down… what do you plan to do?”

Then would I have just uttered a technique name without thought?

This beggar didn’t even notice it.

Even though I said it roughly, he should at least understand it. Tsk.

“First, please secretly inform the Sect Leader of Southern Edge about the presence of a spy and ask for his cooperation.”

“Sect Leader?”


“But that would hurt their pride.”

This old man is worried about a pride issue now?

“Elder, pride will not save the Justice Faction.”


True. In order to achieve a goal, there were times when the cause had to be ignored.

And hadn’t they already done it a couple of times now?

But if they take away the cause and reason, why be called the Justice Faction?

Yang So-bang didn’t like it.

Maybe don’t help?

Maybe I should just jump out now since I already took his qi?

But I promised to catch the spy.

“Elder, what is your purpose here? Is your goal to catch the spy? Or is the purpose of protecting just a useless façade? It doesn’t work this way, it doesn’t work that way… what does all this mean?”


Yang So-bang thought for a while at Jinmu’s blunt words.

“Nice. Let me be convinced of that part. What should I do next?”

“Please contact the Alliance and lift the emergency order issued on Southern Edge.”

“Emergency order?”

“Yes. But it has to be limited to Southern Edge alone.”


“Through him, we must bring in all of Southern Edge’s disciples who are outside and gather them in one place. If you put them all in one place and then examine them suddenly, they will not be able to escape.”

“You are suggesting we eliminate all the spies from the Southern Edge in one go?”



A Total Annihilation.

“There is another task you must undertake.”

“Besides that?”

“Yes. Please inform the Beggars Union.”


Inform them about what?

“If we involve the Nine Great Sects and the medium clans, there will be over a hundred locations to inspect. Even with the entire Beggars Union, including the Justice Faction, we won’t have enough manpower.”


“That’s why we need to inform them.”


“Spy found in Southern Edge. The Alliance will now inspect all sects.”


Yang So-bang suddenly grasped Jinmu’s intention.

“The sects and sub-clans must receive the inspection order, right?”

“Yes. It will create chaos in the streets.”

“Exactly! It’s the Woozle Effect strategy!”


Let’s go with that.

Woozle Effect.

This famous saying suggests that if three people talk about something, they can make it seem real, like conjuring a tiger out of thin air.

Even if it’s untrue, repetition can make it believable.

“The families in the Alliance are all proud. They won’t admit to having a spy in their midst, nor do they want to be caught by the Alliance.”

“True. But, I fear it might lead to a public warning.”


It’s tricky to find the right words for this.

“Instead, we should provoke them. When we catch the spy in Southern Edge, they’ll panic and expose themselves.”

“Are you deliberately provoking them?”

“Yes. That’s the plan.”

“Good. It’s a smart move.”

“Once the rumors spread, we’ll send letters discreetly to the sects with spy information. Then, we strike.”

“It will catch them off guard!”

Right. I am actually very knowledgeable in such things.

Jinmu nodded, smiled and said,

“Instead, an inspection team must be formed right away. We need to make them believe it.”

“If we do this, then I will make it known.”

He finally understands.

Right, this is how it should be.

The louder the drum sounds on the battlefield, the more fear is instilled in the enemy.

“And the inspection team must be warriors whom everyone can recognize.”

“Right. If you are going to show the real ones, the stronger the warriors, the better.”


Yang So-bang continued to nod in admiration at the plan Jinmu concocted.

When was such a detailed plan thought of?

It only became more surprising.

“You are amazing. If you have skills you have skills, if you have personality, you have personality, and now you know how to devise a plan. Anyone who sees you would believe it if you say you aren’t a Taoist but a warrior of the Murim Alliance. It is like a great warrior and a leader both in you. Hahah.”

Now do you understand it?

Cheol Ji-ryang? Zhuge Hyeop-jin?

How can those jerks be compared to me?

Jinmu chuckled at Yang So-bang’s praise.

There is something he doesn’t know.

It is the place which makes a person.

If a person with outstanding talent sits in that position, their ability is further amplified.

Jinmu was the leader of a group and led a huge organization called the Evil Sect’s Heaven.

He always had to monitor not only his enemy but the betrayal of his subordinates too.

Even loyal subordinates were people he was suspicious of and he had to be cruel to keep them loyal.

In contrast, Yang So-bang lived his entire life chasing after others at best.

Even if they were of similar age, their experiences are different and so are their thoughts.

Jinmu wasn’t a person who was as good at strategizing as Yang So-bang thought, but he was naturally skilled at it due to long experience.

Of course, even if Yang So-bang dies or wakes, he wouldn’t know this.

The following day, fortunately, the blue pattern remained undiscovered by the elders and Sect Leader whom Yang So-bang had summoned for a meeting.

However, when Jinmu’s plan was revealed, they all protested.

It was to be expected, given the circumstances.

Who would enjoy being suspected?

Nonetheless, Yang So-bang threatened to launch an investigation if they didn’t comply, leaving them no choice but to reluctantly comply.

With no signs of malevolent energy on the elders and Sect Leader, the focus shifted to the disciples.

Following a clandestine meeting, messengers from the Southern Edge began rounding up all disciples, while pigeons were dispatched to recall those on missions.

A few days later, once everyone had assembled.

The covert plan known only to the leaders was set in motion.

Under the Sect Leader’s command, hundreds of Southern Edge disciples packed in the main training hall, ensuring no one was left out.

“All disciples, roll up your sleeves!”

Yu Jin-san’s sudden command startled the disciples, but they obeyed.

As men and women were present together, they couldn’t strip completely, but rolling up their sleeves sufficed since the pattern was on the elbow.

Even if a spy were to notice now, escape would be futile.

A congregation of Southern Edge disciples.

Any hasty actions would lead to dire consequences.

No matter their numbers, they couldn’t outnumber the disciples of Southern Edge, and no matter their strength, they wouldn’t prevail against the entirety of Southern Edge here.

“We must conduct a thorough inspection, Sect Leader.”


Despite Jinmu’s persistent inquiries, Yu Jin-san, clearly displeased, responded.

He intentionally refrained from investigating personally, delegating the task to the sect’s elders.

By affording them an opportunity to handle it, he aimed to preserve some of their dignity.

Meanwhile, Jinmu focused on observing the disciples’ expressions.

As the investigation commenced, some individuals appeared visibly anxious.

Anyone suspicious must be remembered at all costs.

“Do not create chaos now. Remember to speak only when everything is confirmed.”

A significant amount of time passed as the Sect Leader and elders meticulously examined each disciple.

Jinmu repeated the process, scrutinizing their expressions.

“Taoist Jinmu!”

Once the confirmation was complete, the Sect Leader and elders approached Jinmu and Yang So-bang with an extremely tense look.

“How is this possible? The symbol you mentioned was not found at all!”


Yu Jin-san, who couldn’t yell at Yang So-bang, directed his frustration at Jinmu.

However, Jinmu hadn’t anticipated his current predicament either.

The spy had to be among them.

If the man had perished, it wouldn’t have been due to the Gu worm.

And he is a member of the Southern Edge, capable of such an act. Isn’t this the ideal place to conceal oneself, given Southern Edge’s inclusivity?

It couldn’t be that they didn’t exist. They had to be present.

What is it? What did I overlook?

“Say something! I followed your instructions!”

Yu Jin-san’s pride was wounded; his words sharp.

Yang So-bang appeared uneasy.

He had trusted Jinmu’s words and acted erroneously, disregarding the feelings of the Southern Edge.

“Taoist Jinmu!”

Despite Yu Jin-san’s outbursts, Jinmu’s expression remained unchanged.

“You, man!”

Be quiet. Be quiet. I need to concentrate.

What did I miss?

All of the Southern Edge is assembled here.

If I had to narrow it down, it had to be someone from the Southern Edge… huh? That can’t be right?

Jinmu’s eyes narrowed.

Not a warrior.

Certainly not. Disciples are incapable of such deeds.

Blast it, I overlooked it.


“Sect Leader!”

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