Episode 109

The General Is Passing By (3)
1 week ago
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It was astonishing that his eyes had rolled back to where only the whites could be seen.

If the family head was in such a state, how shocked must the others have been?

It seemed as though everyone would perish if things continued this way.

Yu Jinsan, who had been glaring at them, released his anger and gently patted his granddaughter on the back.

“It is enough. There is no need to dirty your hands with these vile people.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

Yu Seol had done nothing. She had merely come here and shouted once with her voice.

It was an utterly bizarre situation.

“Anyway, let’s leave now. This isn’t our concern anymore.”

Yu Jinsan took Yu Seol’s hand and promptly walked out with her.

What transpired behind them was evident even without looking.

The warriors guarding this place had been annihilated, and the disciples were not in their right minds either.

It was likely that the middle-aged man, consumed with grievance, would not just let them be.

There was no desire in him to stop the man, either.

“Grandpa, why were you so angry earlier? I’ve never seen you like that.”

“Well, there was a reason for it. Then, why did our Seol act that way?”

“I… got angry because Grandpa was angry.”

Yu Jinsan tilted his head.

He suspected that his granddaughter’s anger stemmed from what she saw inside the jar, but it seemed she couldn’t have seen it due to her vision being obstructed.

“Then why were you yelling at them?”

“I was questioning why they made Grandpa angry.”

Yu Jinsan found this absurd. Yet he couldn’t help but admire his granddaughter’s concern for him.


Yu Jinsan turned to retrieve their baggage near the manor. As Yu Jinsan was tying the bag and spear to Yu Seol’s back, she spoke up.

“But Grandpa.”


“What was in the jar?”

“Hmm. It’s better if you don’t know. Some things are better left unknown to you.”

The more adults try to hide something, the more curious a child gets.

“I’m curious, so curious! Tell me quickly.”

Despite Yu Seol’s insistence, Yu Jinsan’s response remained the same.

“When you’re a bit older, I’ll tell you about it.”

“But you always say I’m already grown up. If you don’t tell me, I won’t move from here.”

After speaking, she pouted and lifted her chin, probably to show that she was taller than him.

Yu Jinsan, observing this scene, displayed a flustered expression. This was because what he had to share was too cruel for a child.

After pondering for a moment, he made a decision with careful thought.

‘Maybe it will be beneficial. In a world where one must have a strong heart to survive.’

After much deliberation, he decided to compromise by slightly softening the story.

Yu Jinsan said as he sat down in the shade under the tree.

“Alright, if you really want to know. Sit down for a moment.”

Yu Seol quickly sat down next to her grandpa and crossed her arms, fearing he might change his mind.

“I am curious. Tell me quickly~”

“There was a story I heard from someone who was like an uncle to my grandpa, so he is your great-grandpa.”

“Uncle of great grandpa?”

“Yes. My father passed away before you were born, but there was something I heard about his strength, and he adored me.”

As he shared stories of their family, Yu Seol’s laughter filled the air.

“Hehe. I guess Grandpa was cute.”

“Child, I don’t know if you will be able to smile again after a while. Anyway, it is said that there were very evil practices in shamanism.”


“Right. It is said that there are cases where shamans with low spiritual power have evil intentions and steal children, locking them in wooden barrels.”

“Oh my…”

“After that, they would starve them for days. It is quite a grim tale.”

The smile on Yu Seol’s face had vanished right then.

“Trapped all alone in a dark place? Unable to move, so scared and hungry too…”


“And it wasn’t just that. Only the right amount of food was given so that they didn’t die. They say that if this is done, the child’s qi will be damaged, and he will develop a very strong obsession with food. Then, when delicious food is shown right before the child dies, they become obsessed and try to grab it, but then…”

“But then?”

Yu Jinsan was shocked for a moment.

This was because a killing intent was clear in the eyes of his granddaughter, and then it vanished.

He couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud, so he thought of it.

‘It is said that if you kill them right when they go for the food and close the lid, they become filled with so much hate, and from then on, they cannot be sent to the afterlife and are turned into slaves in this world.’

However, contrary to the harsh reality, what came out of his mouth was different.

“If you let them eat their fill, they’ll end up dying from their belly swelling up.”

He said, softening the harsh truth of the story. Despite this softened version, Yu Seol clenched her fists, trembling with unresolved anger. It seemed she couldn’t let it go.

“…I cannot forgive them.”

“There is no need for that. It is probably all over now.”

Yu Jinsan knew better than anyone the feelings of a father who lost his child.

There was no way any saint would forgive them and come out of such situations unscathed.

“No, nothing’s over.”

“What are you talking about?”

Yu Jinsan looked at where his granddaughter was looking.

The entrance to the manor they had come from a little while ago. The middle-aged shaman was limping out, clutching the jar.

“That guy didn’t hit anyone and just came out.”

If Yu Seol felt that way, there would be no mistake.

‘Could it be that he forgave those people?’

Yu Jinsan regretted leaving the decision to him and just walking away. The shaman approached the spot where they were resting.

As he came within a close distance, he suddenly knelt down and bowed deeply towards them.


Suddenly, he kneeled down and bowed deeply towards them.


Yu Jinsan and his granddaughter, unable to comprehend what was happening, remained silent.

At that moment, he rose again and made another attempt.

“Thank you, Elder.”

Elder? It seemed he knew that Yu Jinsan had undergone Body Reformation.

“You noticed. This young friend is amazing.”

“If I don’t even know that, how can I earn a living as a shaman?”

Yu Jinsan nodded in response.

“For a long time, I dismissed it as superstition and lived without believing in it, but now my heart is shaken. Anyway, why did you just come out? You must have been quite angry about those people who cannot be called humans.”

“How can I not be bitter and angry? So I just came out. If I had been willing to forgive them, I would have killed them all.”

“You spared their lives and didn’t forgive them? What does that mean?”

Before answering, he glanced at Yu Seol.

Does the General behind her look at him with pity? Although he couldn’t make eye contact with the child, somehow he didn’t seem affected like the other shamans were.

“I saw General Guan Yu cut down the odd gods they were serving with a scimitar. That is why they lost their strength, coughed up blood, and collapsed. Although they will not die, they will no longer be able to protect themselves from the evil spirits.”

“If what you say is true, they will be paying the price of bad karma from now on.”

“Yes. They will be tormented by evil spirits for generations, so even if they survive, they will not truly be alive.”

“Knowing this, I’m somewhat relieved. Now that you’ve found your child, you’ll have your matters to attend to. Don’t let me keep you.”

The shaman hesitated instead of moving.

“Well, Elder… I am Man-ho and I live in this village too. So, if you don’t mind, please give me a chance to treat you to a meal.”

“It isn’t like I stepped in hoping for a reward. I just took care of you because, as I was passing by, I came across some people who were doing a bad deed.”

“If someone who serves a God like me fails to repay the favor, he will end up with karma. Please, Elder.”

He couldn’t refuse after being asked like this, and it wasn’t such a difficult request.

Yu Jinsan, who thought for a moment, also readily accepted the offer.

Man-ho’s house had a small shrine, a crumbling main hall, and a kitchen—that was all.

His situation was difficult because he had sold all his assets to learn martial arts. After arriving, Yu Jinsan watched Man-ho celebrate and pray with his heart.

He couldn’t help but find it strange to see someone mumbling into the empty wall.

He was crying and laughing like an insane person, and he only completed it after an hour.

Was it because he finally got rid of everything? There was a liveliness on his face that had never been seen before.

“I haven’t prepared much, but please eat as much as you can.”

The three sat with their heads together at the simple table set up in the kitchen.

“Thank you for the food~”

Although the dishes were simple, Yu Seol eagerly ate, seeming to enjoy the meal.

It was when Yu Jinsan, who was happily looking at the kid, grabbed his chopsticks…

“Thank you, Elder. Thanks to you, I was able to send my child to heaven.”

“Do not think too much about it. Anyway, I am really sorry for what happened to you. Now, let go of everything from the past. Shouldn’t you work hard to live up to your son’s share?”

“For us shamans, death isn’t the end. It is a process of reincarnation, and I will meet my son again.”

“Hmm, that is how it should be.”

At that time, Man-ho looked intently at Yu Jinsan and made a sad look.

“But you also went through something unfortunate like me. I think it isn’t me who needs to be comforted.”

“…Hmm. You shocked me by realizing that. Can you see a ghost behind me or something?”

Because Yu Seol was next to him, he couldn’t reveal everything, but he inquired if his deceased children were by his side.

“No. Normally, they would have turned into vengeful spirits and followed the Elder, but the General behind your granddaughter has brought them to peace.”

“I am relieved… Then, I have a question for you.”

“Do speak, Elder.”

Yu Jinsan glanced at his granddaughter, who was moving the chopsticks, and asked.

“They say General Guan Yu is behind her; then why is my Seol’s spiritual qi so weak? I don’t think it is right.”

Man-ho nodded with a serious look and said,

“The General isn’t one to look after others. Because he is a figure of dignity and honor, he will never step into a human body under any circumstances, nor does he give orders.”

“Then why is he following my granddaughter?”

“He is just protecting her. If she heads to the battlefield, the arrows will dodge her on their own.”

“I thought you were a clever shaman, but you seem to be messing with me.”

“Haha. If you don’t believe it, I have no way of explaining it to you. Think as you please.”

It was the first time in ten years that Man-ho smiled. It seemed like he was at peace after sending his son off.

His face, once filled with killing intent, was now entirely changed.

“Can you see what lies ahead for my granddaughter? It’s clear she’s destined for greatness, but I’m curious about her future.”

“I see nothing. How can I dare to foresee her future when General Guan Yu is standing so imposingly behind her? All I can surmise is that she’s born with a grand destiny.”

“And what about me?”

With a gentle smile, Man-ho produced a small bag from his robe and offered it.

“I can see a little bit. I don’t know the details, but you will face some difficulties in the coming future. Please wait until then and open this bag.”

It was so light that he had no idea what it contained.

“What difficulties? What is in this?”

“I don’t know. Just a talisman. Anyway, that…”

Man-ho, who was about to answer, suddenly clutched his chest.

“Are you alright? You don’t look well.”

“Ugh… never mind. It is natural that there will be conflict when the secrets of heaven are spoken of.“

It seemed that the bag contained information that couldn’t be revealed.

He couldn’t help but feel grateful to the man.

“Why are you trying to help me so much?”

“You and your granddaughter have been the greatest connection in my life, and my benefactors. It’s also the will of the heavens, so please don’t worry about it.”

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